Who We Are

Kayce Mae and her children. Kay Mae Design.
Kayce Mae and her two daughters, 2016.

Kay Mae Design – a design company with a mission.

Kay Mae Design is a socially conscious company crafted in 2017. Kay Mae Designs will  bring your next project to life while positively impacting our environment and communities.

Our mission is to design a better world one project at a time

Our communities impact our every day lives. That’s why at Kay Mae Design we pledge to donate a portion of all profits to support local organizations making a difference in our towns, for our citizens, and for the world. Design with us, and choose your favorite 501-c3 to receive the proceeds. In addition to this pledge, we promise to use local vendors as much as humanly possible. Scouts honor. No matter where your next event is or what your next project will be, we will always source the right small local business to help conduct it.


In 2014, I was a single mother of two, a survivor, and hopeful.

In that time my fears and doubts took the shape of large mountain with financial stability, career success, and personal healing all at the summit. Leaving myself no choice to look back, I started climbing. I have never regretted the decision.

2014 marked the year I began to uncover what truly made me happy both personally and professionally. It was difficult, I had to support two girls on a job that only paid slightly better than minimum wage. Times called for me to use my short thirty minute lunch breaks to run to the food shelf just to ensure we could have enough groceries to get through the next week. In that time, nearly every cent of my paycheck went to covering our rent and putting gas in our Subaru. We were living on food stamps and childcare subsidies just to make it through. It certainly wasn’t a lavish chapter in our lives as a family of three, but we had everything we needed and nothing more. Owning a business like Kay Mae Design seemed like a far away dream. No matter the circumstances, we were happy.

We were happy, but I wanted more for us.

Before the creation of Kay Mae Design, I knew in my heart I could find a career path that served my values and served my family. With this belief, I refused to hear that I could not have it all. I knew I did not want us to always be in the position of receiving help, but to be the one to help someone else. Shortly after realizing these beliefs, I left that just-over-minimum wage position. I took a administrative design position that brought a sense of belonging with it. I worked tirelessly full time and attended school full time to move in the direction I wanted. Several years, several design positions, and a lot of personal growth later, I knew that all things design were my forte. My type A personality combined with a love for the arts and all things software allowed me to execute projects seamlessly and beautifully.  I became confident I had a mind for business and a heart for design.

I said 2014 marked the year I started climbing that mountain in search of financial stability, career success, and personal healing at the summit. The creation of Kay Mae Design in 2017 marked the year many of these things were obtained. Now, in 2019 we are in that position to help others. We are in the position to support the communities and environment that never hesitated to help us. Now, we are ready to help you achieve those goals and climb this mountain too.

Read my blog to learn more about my story.

Want to follow Kay Mae Design’s journey? Find us on Instagram.

Lets connect! Lets create together.


Kayce Mae