My Story,  Parenting/Co-Parenting

CCV Graduation 2019: Success and Self Comparison

On Saturday, June 1st I led the class of 2019 to CCV’s commencement ceremony. As class speaker, I was honored with the opportunity to stand amongst the Governor of Vermont Phil Scott, the President of the school Joyce Judy, and the board of trustees. I was six years old when I first dreamed of the day I would obtain a degree, and now at 27, it has become a reality. However, it’s hard to shake the feeling I am still behind.

The Message

What I want to share with you all is the message I worked hard to refine for my fellow graduates that day:

“Our achievements of tomorrow are the sum of our actions today. Success is not an accident. it is the result of daily hard work towards a set goal. When we were six, we knew we could do anything. Let today, serve as evidence.”

Kayce Mae Penn, CCV graduation 2019

Community College of Vermont has an incredibly diverse student body. Many, like myself, were single parents working double time to make this achievement happen. All of us graduates, knew the value of obtaining a degree, honing our skills through higher education, and ruthlessly pursued our dreams. CCV Graduation 2019 was one for the books as persevering and patient students of all kinds were rewarded for their dedication that day.

Feeling Behind

However, it’s been hard to shake a feeling that I am so behind. That’s what I truly want to talk to you all about today – the thief of our joy – comparison.

In my life, I had my first conversation about college and careers with my father at six years old. We were riding around in his old truck, running from one job site to the next. My dad, a master carpenter of many years, understood the value of education and hard work. He was the first one to tell me that I can do anything I want so long as I have a plan. But boy, by 19 did my plans change with the arrival of my first daughter and again at 20 with the arrival of my second daughter.

Determined to become the best version of myself for all three of us, I continued to reach for the degree, job skills and career I always wanted. By the time I was 25, I was helping small business implement software and protocol to help better run their operations. I supported us on my own. In the mean time, I went to school online and at night. There were times I struggled, working two jobs to pay the rent. There were times when I would run to the food shelf on my short thirty minute lunch break at a minimum wage job just to provide for us. But, I stayed the course, and knew as long as I had plan I could do anything I wanted to achieve.

As my career pivots came and my education continued, I learned more about who I am as a person. It was through my journey as a single mother and my experience of working and going to school simultaneously, that taught me I have the heart for design and a mind for business. Today, I am a brand expert and events producer. I stand here with an Associates degree in hand, two thriving little girls going into the second and third grades, and a successful charitable business.


CCV graduation 2019 brought joy as my two girls watched me speak, and receive that degree. An example I rest assured will benefit them throughout their entire lives.

But it also brought on the struggle of comparing myself to my peers. Peers that I believed may have a masters by now, a more successful career by now, and all the other things supposedly – a house, a healthy marriage, two cars…{insert crazy assumptions here}.

This habit of comparing myself to my imaginary perception of others was brief and fleeting, but it’s important to talk about. We are all on our journey to our best selves, and there is no timeline or due date for it. There are no expectations of us except for those expectations we place on ourselves. Our achievements are not diminished by our age, race, status, gender, sexual orientation or any other label. Our achievements are ours, and are to be treasured no matter your place in this world.

The youngest to receive a degree at CCV graduation 2019 was 17, and the oldest was 76. Over 500 students received their degree that day. No one student’s accomplishment is to be diminished by the label of age or circumstance.

If you’re out there, and feeling like I did after CCV graduation 2019 please know this: you are successful. You are not behind. Do not allow comparison to be the thief of your joy. Your accomplishments are as valuable now, as they would be at any other time in your life.

Remember, your achievements of tomorrow are the sum of your actions today. All of those achievements are to be valued, no matter how old you are when you get there or who may have what beside you. Your achievements count, no matter what.

Myself, my two girls, and my better half after CCV Graduation 2019


I look forward to working with my brides as a knowledgeable consultant. I look forward to working alongside companies as a brand expert, helping them craft their message and put it into the world. I look forward to helping women like me, the planet, and our communities.

Stop comparing yourself to the imaginary tales you create in your head, and start celebrating your accomplishments.

CCV Graduation 2019 was a dream come true for me. The six year old in me, who knew we could do anything as long as there’s a plan, is happy about that.

Chat soon, xo

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